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This is the blog from Bipolar (s) Supporting Bipolars. You can find us under groups in Facebook

Thursday 13 May 2010

So you have just been diagnosed

What to do next.

Click HERE to read the advice given from the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Stephen Fry: The Secret Life Of The Manic Depressive

Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive is a 2006 two-part television documentary directed by Ross Wilson and featuring British actor and comedian Stephen Fry. It explores the effects of living with bipolar disorder, based on the experiences of Fry, other celebrities and members of the public with, or affected by, the disorder. It won an Emmy Award for Best Documentary at the 35th International Emmys in 2007.

In this documentary, Stephen Fry explores the world of manic depression, a mental illness which affects up to 4 million people in the UK, including himself. He sets out to uncover more about a misunderstood condition which drives those who have it from extreme highs to crippling lows.

Part One

Part Two

The book that accompanies this short series can be found HERE

Stephen Fry's website for Bipolar. Click HERE