Bipolar Disorder Codes Demystified - List Of 18 Codes
By: Abhishek Agarwal
You might have noticed that your physician keeps making notes when you go for consultation. While these notes are anyways not easily understood by the patient and the guardians, when it comes to the mental ailments, the codes are rather confusing.
The psychiatrists usually scribble some pre-defined codes in their records. Once you understand these codes, you and your caregiver would always better understand the current scenario and would be able to gauge through the pertinent actions that you can take up. These codes help you understand the ailment better and fight it back more effectively. Also the caregivers can draft a better way to take care of their patients suffering with Bipolar Disorders.
Usually in case of the mental disorders, the codes are unanimously arranged by the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). So, 'DSM' is the code used by the psychiatrists and other experts for all mental disorders.
When it comes to Bipolar Disorder, there are 3 important types of codes:
i. For the mood disorders
ii. For the substance influenced mood disorders
iii. Extensions of psychotic features
Mood Disorder Codes
There are varied code categories that fall under the term - codes for mood disorders. These are as follows:
1. 296.0x (F30.x)
When the patient undergoes one 'manic episode.' The patient has no history regarding major depressive episodes.
2. 296.40 (F31.0)
When a patient suffering with bipolar disorder experiences a 'hypomanic episode' and he/she had atleast 1 incident of manic and/or mixed episode.
3. 296.4x (F31.x)
The patients suffering with a current manic episode and have undergone a major manic, depressive and/or mixed episodes.
4. 296.6x (F31.6)
A patient suffering with Bipolar I Disorder and has often mixed episodes. Such patients must also have experienced some major manic, depressive, and/or mixed episodes.
5. 296.5x (F31.x)
A patient undergoing major depressive episodes and he/she has a history featuring manic and/or mixed episodes.
6. 296.7 (F31.9)
This code is given to the patients experiencing any of the episodes mentioned here:
manic, mixed, hypomanic and/or major depressive episodes. Alongside there is a criteria that the patient must have suffered from atleast 1 mixed and/or manic episode.
7. 296.89 (F31.8)
This code is given to a patient of Bipolar II Disorder who is either hypomanic or depressed. Another important criteria is that the patient must have gone through more than one attacks of major depressive episode and/or atleast 1 episode of hypomania. One important point to be noticed here is that there is no attack of manic and/or mixed episode.
Substance Induced Mood Disorder Codes
These codes are a must to be understood for the patients and there caregivers as the substance-induced mood disorder if not known, can cause major harm to the patients. These are triggers that control the patients' temper so the preventive measures are a must. The measurable substances that can heighten mood disorders have been given a code by the mental health experts. While some are given as follows, for further information you can check the World Wide Web or the internet:
1. 291.8 (F10.8)
The doctors explain that patients whose mood disorders stimulate with the intake of alcohol fall under this code.
2. 292.84 (F14.8)
The cases of ingestion of cocaine fall under this code.
3. 292.84 (F18.8)
When inhalants arouse mood disorders this code is referred.
4. 292.84 (F13.8)
In case the sedatives stir up the patient's mood disorder this code is referred.
Psychotic Features' Code Extensions
These codes are primarily divided in to 2 major categories:
i. Severe with out psychotic episodes
ii. Severe with the psychotic episodes
Some of the codes are as follows:
1. 296.43 (F31.1)
A Bipolar I Disorder patient with most current manic episodes, severe with out psychotic episodes.
2. 296.44 (F31.2)
This code refers to the Bipolar I Disorder patients, severe with psychotic episodes.
3. 296.63
The patients having severe disorder with out psychotic episodes and suffering with Bipolar I Disorder and have experienced a current mixed episode.
5. 296.64
This code is referred to the patients having severe disorder and facing psychotic episodes.
6. 296.53 (F31.4)
The Bipolar I Disorder patients having lot of depressed episodes are referred with this code.
7. 296.54 (F31.5)
The Bipolar I Disorder patients having severe disorder with no psychotic episodes are referred with this code.
About the Author
Abhishek has got some great Bipolar Disorder Treatment Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 97 Pages Ebook, "Understanding And Treating Bipolar Disorders!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.
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Article Source: - Bipolar Disorder Codes Demystified - List Of 18 Codes
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